Choosing an Executive Search Firm

15 Apr 2015 by Asa Sphar

How do you know which executive search firm is right for your organization’s recruiting needs?

For all its advancements, leadership recruitment in the 21stcentury is still both an art and a science.  It’s an art in that a recruiting firm’s personnel must still be able to cultivate positive and trust-engendering relationships with both companies and candidates.  The firm’s brand, network, and reputation for integrity must be exemplary so they can be strong ambassadors for the constituency they serve.

Top-tier executive recruiting is also increasingly a science, and not just for reasons related to advances in talent sourcing technology. When one talks about “science” in regard to recruiting, “replication of results” is key.  No matter what a recruitment company has done in the past, how can you be assured that this same company can duplicate their past results with your company…today?  The answer revolves around a firm’s response to the following two questions: “Does the recruiting firm in question have a clearly defined and consistently executed recruiting process?”  If yes, “Can the firm clearly communicate that recruitment process?”

Like the “consistency of quality results” generated by lean manufacturing processes, to be consistently successful in today’s incredibly competitive war for top leadership talent means that the best executive recruiting firms need to have well-defined, time-tested, and market-proven processes in place that have consistently demonstrated the ability to produce top talent…time after time.

How important is “process” to CSI Executive Search?  Well, we named our company after our process.  You see, “CSI” stands for our trademarked process, “Comprehensive Search InitiativesTM.”   Guided by the CSI NavigatorTMand honed over 17+ years of successful recruiting, CSI Executive Search is a process-driven leadership recruiting firm that has a demonstrated history of repeatedly supplying game-changing talent – delivering bottom-line results to our clients.